No commitment / Pay As You Go for everyone

Are you bored of playing against opponents much weaker than you?
Do you want to meet cool people who share your passion for table tennis?


Table Tennis Fight Club (TTFC) is an exclusive club where existing members recommend other players, forming a select membership of high-level participants who meet in secret locations to train and ‘fight’. The club’s sessions in King’s Cross and Swiss Cottage are open to all players of any level, whether they are members or not.

New players who are not members can book and attend the sessions. They are welcome to apply for membership online. However, they must beat at least two current members for a chance to join the elite part of the club. Elite members must follow the rules of the fight club.

One way to bypass the application process is to attend a group session where non-members can practise with one another until they are spotted by a member. Some players reach the required standard through continuous training at these sessions.

The Saturday sessions are coached by a full member (some of whom were ranked top 40 in the UK) and take place at our King’s Cross venue. If you do not want to take part in the group coaching, you can still play with a friend or other standing player on a private table, but each of you will have to book a Private Table Ticket for that session. Check the events calendar for more details including times, locations, and prices.

THERE IS NO MONTHLY OR ANNUAL FEE. FOR NON-MEMBERS, IT’S PAY-AS-YOU-GO FOR EVERYONE and tickets are cheaper if booked online. We also provide private coaching. The club’s public venues are in King’s Cross and Swiss Cottage. See our map below.


Founded in 2014 by Georges Sokol (aka Maverick) and sponsored by Decathlon, the club provides a unique opportunity for table tennis players to ‘fight’ with one another.

The first aim of the club is to enable its members to achieve their peak potential. Our members have the motivation to train, compete, and attain a high level of performance. The club also encourages its members to promote table tennis to the general public by playing and participating in community projects.

Although our members like to fight and win, they show good sportsmanship at all times. They are independent thinkers who value initiative and self-direction. They tend to challenge assumptions about the game and life, while respecting the views of others. Members have no role models, but seek to become their own hero.



book a session at Table Tennis Fight Club







YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A MEMBER TO PLAY.  Anyone can book a session. However, if you have been recruited by an existing member, email with the name of the person who put you forward and you will be invited to a free session. If you have not been recommended, click here to book a session. Or if you feel you already have the requisite playing level and personality, fill in our application form to be considered for an invitation. The committee will then assess your submission and decide whether you get invited to a session. To become a fully-fledged member, you will need to prove your worth by defeating two current full members in a best-of-five games playoff (this holds true whether you book or are invited). You can challenge members at any official TTFC event and as many times as you like, provided the members agree.



The sessions in King’s Cross take place on Saturdays 3pm-5pm (group coaching), Sundays (open play) 2.30pm-4.30pm, and fortnightly on Friday nights 7.15pm-9.15pm. We have recently opened a new weekly session in Swiss Cottage on Tuesday nights 8.15pm-10pm. Check the events calendar for more details and to book online before attending. During the group coaching session on Saturdays, if you prefer to play with your guests on your own table, book a Private Table Ticket for each player you bring along.


See map below. There are sessions twice or three times per week at our King’s Cross branch at 134 Chalton Street, First Floor, NW1 1RX (Google Map) and once per week at our Swiss Cottage venue at 255 Finchley Road, First Floor, NW3 6LU (Google Map). Full members can arrange to fight at our other secret venues, which are only revealed once a player receives a formal invitation to join.



As well as having access to a network of skilled players, members’ perks include discounted sessions, a TTFC t-shirt, and business cards. We also take part in tournaments and host monthly social events for our members. We have a team in the British League and several teams in the central London league where we play weekly against other clubs in London from October to March.

Table Tennis Fight Club Rules Table Tennis Fight Club Agnes Kris Table Tennis Fight Club Bounce table tennis fight club training

TTFC offers individual coaching to players of all ages and levels. To request this service, email


+ 44 (0)7931362224
London, United Kingdom